Aug 17, 2009

To do.

I made some layout/formatting changes with which I'm continually tinkering, so bear with me. As for my personal status, I'm still in Maine/unemployed, but maybe/hopefully that will change by the end of the week. Who knows? I'm in limbo; it kind of feels like being an Active on Dollhouse (except I would not like "a treatment," thanks)*.

Anyway, the point of this post is to say that I'm going out of town for a night, but here's what I'll be writing about when I get back:
  • Thoughts on Netherland (short version: good, literary, challenging) and maybe The Lovely Bones, if I finish it (so far: like it, don't love it, can't figure out why).

  • Thoughts on the Mad Men premiere (LOVED IT, for various reasons) and the "lost" episode of Dollhouse (liked it ten times better than any other episode I've seen).

  • Something about music? I am really digging The Airborne Toxic Event, Say Hi, and Regina Spektor right now (that might be all I have to say about music).

See you in a few days. I promise to hit the ground running upon my return.

*How perfect is Amy Acker on that show? The Echo/Ballard stuff bores me to tears but anytime Claire/Whiskey comes onscreen I am totally hooked.

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